Conclusions: It was feasible to design an anterograde or reverse island flap pedicled with he nutrient vessels of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. 结论:以股后皮心理神经及其营养传染病血管为蒂可设计切取顺行或逆行岛状皮瓣。
Objective To explore the applied anatomy of the island fasciocutaneous flap pedicled with the nutrient vessels of the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve to provide the anatomical basis for the flap design. 目的探讨前臂后皮神经营养血管皮瓣的应用解剖,为该皮瓣的设计提供解剖学基础。
Clinical principles and nomenclature of flaps incorporating the nutrient vessels of cutaneous nerves 皮神经营养血管组织瓣的临床应用原则与命名
Methods: The sural nerve island flaps pedicled with the nutrient vessels were used at emergency or delay to repair the soft tissues defects in hell, malleolus, achilles tendon and bone, tendon exposed in anterior tibial in 22 cases. 方法:对22例足跟、踝、跟腱和胫前区骨、肌腱外露的软组织缺损行急诊或延期行腓肠神经滋养血管为蒂的岛状皮瓣修复术。
Nutrient vessels of distal posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve; 前臂后皮神经远端的营养血管。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the blood supply and clinical application of reverse island flap pedicled with sural nerve and its nutrient vessels. 目的:研究腓肠神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣的血供和临床应用。
Methods: On 32 adult cadaver lower limb specimens perfused with red latex, the origins, diameters, courses, branches and distributions of the lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot and its nutrient vessels were observed. 方法:32侧乳胶灌注的成人下肢标本,对足背外侧皮神经及其营养血管进行解剖,观察其起始、直径、走行、分支及分布情况。
The superficial vein, cutaneous nerve and its nutrient vessels in the forearm: anatomic study and the clinical implication 前臂皮神经、皮神经营养血管与浅静脉的关系和临床意义的解剖学研究
Distal nutrient vessels of saphenous nerve-great saphenous vein; 隐神经-大隐静脉远端的营养血管。
Results: The nutrient vessels of PFCN were the branches from the inferior gluteal artery, musculocutaneous branch of perforating artery, and the ascending cutaneous branch of the popliteal artery. 结果:股后皮神经营养血管主要来源臀下动脉、穿动脉和动脉后侧穿支的升皮支,并在股后区形成网状吻合营养股后侧皮肤。
Anatomic study on the posterior cutaneous branches of T_ ( 1-12) and their nutrient vessels 胸神经后皮支及其营养血管的解剖学研究
Study on the Nutrient Vessels and Nerve of the Gracilis Muscle 股薄肌营养血管和神经的研究
The nutrient vessels of cephalic vein. 头静脉的营养血管。
Conclusion The antegrade or retrograde island flap or free flap could be designed by the four cutaneous nerve and their nutrient vessels to adjacent and hand soft tissue defect. 结论:以上述四条皮神经及其伴行血管为蒂,可分别设计顺行或逆行岛状皮瓣或游离皮瓣,修复临近部位、手部的软组织缺损。
Conclusion: The direct or converse island flaps pedicled with neurocutaneous nutrient vessels in upper limb can be designed. 结论:以上肢皮神经及其营养血管为蒂可设计顺行或逆行岛状皮瓣。
[ Method] Adopting nutrient vessels of 4 nerve branches in hands of radial-ulnar nerve as pedicle, the flaps were designed and applied to repair dorsal skin defect of fingers. [方法]以桡、尺神经在手背侧的4个分支的营养血管为蒂设计各种皮瓣,同时应用其中的2种修复2个手指背侧的皮肤缺损。
Perforating branches includes fascia branches, cutaneous branches, nerve and vein nutrition branches. Those nutrient vessels form a longitudinal vessel chain of the cutaneous nerve of forearm-basilic vein, deep subcutaneous fascia and periosteum vessel network. 上述穿皮支发皮支、筋膜支、骨膜支、皮神经浅静脉营养血管,形成皮神经干血管链和贵要静脉旁血管链以及深、浅筋膜和骨膜血管网。
Conclusions A flap pedicled with cutaneous nutrient vessels could be designed along a superficial vein. 结论顺沿浅静脉干可切取皮神经营养血管皮瓣;
BACKGROUND: There exists insufficient study with specific applicability regarding vascular distribution characteristics of sural nerve nutrient vessels of the distally based flap. 背景:有关腓肠神经营养血管远端蒂皮瓣的血管分布特点缺少具体可操作性的研究。
The nutrient vessels of brachioradialis muscle: The radial collateral artery, radial recurrent artery and direct branches of radial artery supply the blood for brachioradialis muscle. 肱桡肌营养血管:肱桡肌由桡动脉发出的桡侧副动脉、桡侧返动脉及桡动脉直接肌支等供血。
Results: All cutaneous nerves were accompanied with nutrient vessels originating from known vessel. Those nutrient vessels form longitude vessel net to supply the cutaneous nerves and skin, and give out minute branches to anastomose underlying fascia and subcutaneous vessel net. 结果:上肢所有皮神经都有来源于知名血管的营养血管伴行,在神经旁形成纵向血管链,除营养神经外,发出众多皮支与深筋膜血管网、皮下血管网广泛吻合营养皮肤。
Application of skin flaps with neurocutaneous nutrient vessels to soft tissue defects of hand and foot 皮神经营养血管皮瓣在手足软组织缺损中的应用
An anatomic study of composite tissue flap with saphenous nerve and nutrient vessels 隐神经营养血管复合组织瓣的解剖学研究
Applied anatomy of flap pedicled with the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve and its nutrient vessels 以股后皮神经及其营养血管为蒂皮瓣的应用解剖
The nutrient vessels of lesser saphenous vein of distally based flap. 远端蒂小隐静脉的营养血管。
Methods In 18 adult upper extremity cadavers, origins, courses, branches, distribution and the anastomosis of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, basilic vein and their nutrient vessels were studied under the operating microscope. 方法上肢标本18侧,显微剥离表皮组织,观察前臂内侧皮神经、贵要静脉及各自营养血管的起始、走行、分支、分布及与其它血管的吻合情况;
Nutrient vessels plays an important role in leiomyoma growth, and insufficient blood perfusion may cause a variety of uterine leiomyoma degeneration, and therefore researches on their blood perfusion characteristics can help to understand the biological characteristics of fibroids. 滋养血管在子宫肌瘤生长过程中起重要作用,血流灌注不足可引起多种变性,因此对子宫肌瘤血流灌注特征的研究有助于了解其生物学特性。